
Jeff Crowe Pacient Ataxia Stem Cell

Jeff Crowe are Ataxie, o afectiune ereditara genetica

care afecteaza sistemul nervos. El a venit in China pentru a primi Terapia cu celule stem adulte, in speranta de a-si imbunatati starea sa.

Persoanele cu Ataxie sunt adesea confundate ca fiind foarte

betive. Vorbirea lor poate fi modificata. Ele pot aparea

stangace si necoordonate. Ei sufera de vedere dubla,

ameteli si dificultati cu perceptia in profunzime.

Jeff a refuzat sa accepte vestea ca nu era nimic, care

ar putea fi facut cu privire la aceasta. Dupa ce a primit tratamentul cu celulele stem adult din sangele cordonului ombilical mersul pe jos si celelalte abilitati s-au imbunatatit.

Terapia cu celule stem adulte nu este un remediu pentru Ataxie. Simptomele inregistrate au inceput sa regreseze din nou, iar el s-a intors pentru o a doua runda de transplanturi. Acest videoclip a fost filmat in timpul acelui moment.

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  1. Human Umbilical Cord Blood Derived Mononuclear Cell Transplantation Case Series of 30 Subjects with Hereditary Ataxia
  2. Hyun-Jung Park,Giyoon Bang, Bo Ra Lee, Hyun Ok Kim, and Phil Hyu Lee. Neuroprotective Effect of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells in an AnimalModel of Double Toxin-Induced Multiple System Atrophy Parkinsonism. Cell Transplantation, Vol. 20, pp. 827–835, 2011.
  3. Zhongling Feng & Feng Gao. Stem Cell Challenges in the Treatment of Neurodegenerative Disease. CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics 00 (2011) 1–7.
  4. You-Kang Chang, Ming-Hsiang Chen, Yi-Hung et al. Mesenchymal stem cell transplantation ameliorates motor function deterioration of spinocerebellar ataxia by rescuing cerebellar Purkinje cells.
  5. Kevin Kemp,Elizabeth Mallam, Kelly Hares, Jonathan Witherick, Neil Scolding, and Alastair Wilkins. Mesenchymal Stem Cells Restore Frataxin Expression and Increase Hydrogen Peroxide Scavenging Enzymes in Friedreich Ataxia Fibroblasts.